This morning as I was walking down the dusty gray dirt road to our big van, my ears were filled with the sounds of dogs barking, cows bellowing, roosters crowing and chickens clucking their morning greetings. These sounds are part of my life every day, the sound of gravel crunching, dust settling, and creaky iron gates opening mix with the sounds of animals and make for a beautiful symphony of country living. When I look out of my window, I see herds of cows and goats and a beautiful walnut orchard. All of these sights and sounds blend and just overwhelm me sometimes. Who am I that God thinks I belong here....working in this beautiful country with these beautiful people? Who am I that God thinks I am capable and competent enough to be a part of the lives of some of the most amazing young people in the world? When I look at the smiles and laughing eyes of our girls and guys here...God just stops my heart. He just overwhelms me with how amazing He is. When I am with our guys and girls, I feel like my heart might literally burst with all the love I have for them. They are so amazing...and God chose me and Brian to be here. Of all the people in the world, God chose us. I am rambling, but God just overwhelms me with His love and goodness sometimes. I pray that my ears and eyes never tire of the beautiful sounds and sights of our bucolic surroundings...I pray that they never become so common that I take the beauty for granted. I pray that my heart always feels overwhelmed with love....and that I never ever forget the miracle that is the lives of my family here.
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