Where feet may fail

Monday, March 23, 2015

Perhaps that beautiful line in Oceans should read...Where feet are GOING to fail....and it will probably be in a big way where you may think its the end of the world but it really isn't...but in that moment it is going to seem big big big. Yeah.  If you don't relate to failure, that's cool.  Failure is the amazingly humbling encounter with your very human self.  It often times occurs when you think you can do something "all by yourself".  One thing I am learning (very slowly, I might add) is that I cannot do things "all by myself".  My strong-willed heart (I blame my tough granny-Wilma Walmart for my Rosie the Rivetoresque attitude) wants so badly to do it all...and to do it all by myself.  Not to burden others with my needs.  It seems that it makes you stronger if you can accomplish things alone...without needing others...but y'all that is a lie!  When we think we can do things all alone...we don't lean in to God....we rob our nearest and dearest of being a part of our lives...when we do it ourselves.....we rob ourselves of the joys of leaning on others.  It is not a sign of weakness to lean in to God to accomplish EVERY. SINGLE. TASK on this earth.  He wants us to do that...He made us to be inseparable from Him.  We need Him.  If we want something done right...and with the right heart....WE NEED HIM.  I know this isn't an AHA! moment for some of you like it is for me.  And I know that this lesson will take years to sink in to my very thick skull...but this is big news and I pray that God and I can keep talking about this and that I can be OK with weakness....because when I am weak....He is strongest.  When I let go of the wheel...and let Him drive....the destination and the journey are both so much more enjoyable.

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One Response to “Where feet may fail”

  1. If I were in church....and this was a sermon....I would most definitely stand and say Amen. Great post, great reminder. Miley Cyrus....back when she was sweet....did this song. The lyrics apply to this somewhat...it is called It's The Climb: I can almost see it
    That dream I am dreaming
    But there's a voice inside my head saying
    "You'll never reach it"

    Every step I'm taking
    Every move I make feels
    Lost with no direction
    My faith is shaking

    But I gotta keep trying
    Gotta keep my head held high

    There's always gonna be another mountain
    I'm always gonna wanna make it move
    Always gonna be a uphill battle
    Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

    Ain't about how fast I get there
    Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
    It's the climb

    The struggles I'm facing
    The chances I'm taking
    Sometimes might knock me down
    But no, I'm not breaking

    I may not know it
    But these are the moments that
    I'm gonna remember most, yeah
    Just gotta keep going

    And I, I got to be strong
    Just keep pushing on

    'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
    I'm always gonna wanna make it move
    Always gonna be a uphill battle
    Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

    Ain't about how fast I get there
    Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
    It's the climb, yeah!

    There's always gonna be another mountain
    I'm always gonna wanna make it move
    Always gonna be an uphill battle
    Somebody's gonna have to lose

    Ain't about how fast I get there
    Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
    It's the climb, yeah!

    Keep on moving, keep climbing
    Keep the faith, baby
    It's all about, it's all about the climb
    Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa
