MOST RANDOM POST AWARD! (I gave myself that honor)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

This will probably be the MOST RANDOM post to date:)  Be patient.

Well...starting back to school has thrown off my blogging game friends!  Please don't forget about me!   My preschool special education program got moved to a new school this year (the newest school I have EVER worked in) and I have been working in my super cool classroom!  Those of you who are teachers understand how awesome it is to have a classroom that actually has cabinets, cubbies, and a bathroom in it!  AMAZING! (Feel free to pray for my classroom and me this school year).   But I digress!  BACK TO MOLDOVA!!  (Side Note-I wish I really could go back to Moldova right this second and hug those sweet girls at Stella's House AND the sweet huggable children at Providence!)

ADDITIONAL SIDE NOTE-You would not believe me if I told you all the things that have transpired in the last few weeks...God is still doing big things in our life.  He is daily teaching us...and giving us opportunities to fully rely on Him...Its just crazy.  You know what?...even when it might seem like He isn't there...He is.

I tried SO hard to upload the Belt video for you  would not believe how hilarious it is...I'm gonna have to get a friend to help need to see that game in ACTION!!!  If you wanna have a game night, let me know...Belt is not the only game we learned...we also learned "Regular Cards" (which will have its very own post soon) AND Phase 10 dice! 

Followers of this know what has been missing from my last few posts???  

PICTURES!!!  Here are a remind you of why I am blogging!  These precious kids...and what they mean to me and to God!

I have posted this one once before...but gosh I love this see she is COVERED with temporary tattoos and just so proud of herself!

This is the bus station at Cupcui...Vans/Buses travel through the country side crammed FULL of people taking them to various destinations.

Maxim!!!  Gosh I love this kid...he is just so amazing and outgoing...This is a self portrait he took...look how serious he is about photography(he is usually Mr. Smiles).

Maxim took this picture of me!  I can't imagine anything in the world that would make my day better than Maxim and a camera...he and his brother are completely fascinated with them! Maxim actually framed one of the pictures he took of me...isn't that sweet?

Elizabeth playing with Danu- TRANSLATION-Danu throwing dirt at Elizabeth...this was one of his favorite games...he played throw the dirt at Brian too:)

This was a HODGE PODGE kind of post.  I appreciate your patience...but if you know KNOW I am random...I still have SOOO much to share!  I know my blog is full of emotional ups and downs...sometimes there are hilarious stories to share...and sometimes there are heart wrenching stories to share...Many of these children have had very difficult and horrible lives...but through God they can smile...and laugh...and be the funny kids that they are...

 Please continue to pray for the people of Moldova...and continue to pray for us as we discern what His plan is for us.

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