Music, Italian food...and ice cream

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Today was a good day.  I am still struggling to adjust to the late nights.  It doesn't get dark here until like 10 at night it seems.  We woke up and took care of a few little things around the house.  Brian "cut" the grass at both houses with an electric weedeater and did a WONDERFUL job.

We began working sorting through items that are donated.  What a blessing it is to have people donate to this wonderful ministry.  Believe me, your gifts are important.  The ministry shares your donations with the girls and guys here and with children at other orphanages.  It was such a treat to see the support people have offered in so many different ways!  The deposit itself is a cinderblock building that is rather warm:)  We stopped and got a treat of Moldovan ice cream on the way back from our toils.  Moldovan icecream is sooo very delcious.  The one I chose is actually made here in Ialoveni.  Actually right up the road.  It does not look like a factory that makes delicious ice cream, but indeed it is:) It looks more like a run down old Army Post...they have guards in Fatigues.  Apparently protecting the Moldovan Ice Cream recipe is the real deal.  It makes me nervous whenever we walk past the place it also makes me think of Slugworth in Willie Wonka.  But, they make good stuff behind those walls.  If I could send you all a box of Moldovan Ice Cream, I would.

This afternoon, I spent time with one of the girls who is studying for the music academy.  She and I sat in the church and sang and I listened to her play the piano...and I could hear how much she has learned just since last summer.  She is amazing.  It was such a special moment to be in the church listening to her play.  God is so big and He always shows up and shows out for me through music.  After talking with this sweet love about my musical past (french horn in high school, marching band, drum major, etc).  I felt the need to really show her what a marching band is (apparently they only do marching bands for funerals here).  I pulled up the Auburn University pregame show and I may have even been singing War Eagle with the crowd!  She thought it was very cool.  It was fun to share something I love with her.  Thank you Jesus for helping me connect.  Please pray that God continues to reveal ways for us to connect with the share common show them that we love them sooo much!!!!

This evening we got to share dinner with two sweet girls from the house.  We went into the city to an "italian" restaurant.  The girls loved it and so did we!  We all brought home leftovers and lots of laughs.  My goal tonight is to be in the bed by midnight...but it is already 11:00 and I have several more things to accomplish....but I want you to know...Moldova is feeling more and more familiar and comfortable.  We are adjusting to some of the things that are unique to this culture (i.e.-not smiling at people on the street -its tough for me.) We have been complemented many times by the girls saying "that is very Moldovan of you".  I pray that we can assimilate in to the culture here and yet still be who we are.  You can join us in praying for that as well.


4 Responses to “Music, Italian food...and ice cream”

  1. So glad y'all are already adjusting and contributing! Question: I understand that others on the street might not smile at you, but why are you not supposed to smile at them? Is it considered rude? I see how that would be incredibly hard for you! :)


    1. Smiling just makes you rather suspicious makes people think...."what do you want from me?" It is tough:)

  2. The ice cream sounds wonderful, but not smiling would be hard! So glad you were able to share some marching band magic. We are praying for you! :)
