Sunday, June 12th was missions Sunday at my church. It was the PERFECT Sunday before our trip. Our amazing teaching pastor commissioned every person in the congregation to go forth in missions. Our amazing praise and worship band, The Freedom Sound, sang all of my favorite songs (especially Hillsong's "Go"). It was just a high adrenaline service for me. I was on Holy Spirit overload (initially I wrote Holy Spirit speed...but I thought that might offend some of you...but I think that is a more accurate description...all my energy and excitement was PURE HOLY SPIRIT)....I was ready to go change the world. I am naturally a bit giddy as it is...I was so excited about this trip to Moldova I couldn't even speak in complete sentences. (Just ask my friend, Courtney.) Brian and I went home to our lovely 3 bedroom 2 bath home (with indoor plumbing AND electricity) unaware of what God was about to do in our lives. Funny thing is ...Brian and I had been putting a time line on God (yes we were silly enough to do that). We had been praying and talking with God and needed some answers for some decisions in our lives and we told HIM that we would know something after this trip...hahaha! We were soo silly! You will hear about that later! Anyway, we said our prayers together ( for the mission trip, for the team , for the country, and for the people) and tried to sleep. We were like two kids the night before Disney know what I am talking about. We were filled with do the Lords serve the least of these!!! (SIDE NOTE-I follow a blog called the LEAST OF THESE...check it out...we have been truly praying that God would break our hearts for what breaks His...and he has in a BIG way...keep reading to find out more).
We rolled out of bed, after very little sleep, and got ourselves ready and went to our team meeting place. Our precious teaching pastor, met us there to have communion with us. He got up at 4 in the morning to have communion with 6 people on their way to about servant leadership. We had grape juice out of an olive garden cup and bread from panera.
Communion was the perfect way to start this trip off for HIS purpose. After communion and our prayer time, the 6 of us with our 12 pieces of checked baggage and 8 pieces of carry on luggage piled into our friends Sienna was riding low. Brian and I snuggled with the luggage all the way to Atlanta!
We arrived at the Atlanta airport at 9:15. Thank Goodness! We unloaded the aforementioned baggage and got in line. Once we made it to the front of the line, our ticket agent began arguing with another ticket agent about checking us in....we were nervous. Then our ticket agent took all of our passports and promised she would be back...our flight had been cancelled. Funny thing is...we all knew it was in God's hands and that He wanted us all to go to not one of us worried...we simply texted our prayer warriors and told them to pray...and pray they did. We were originally flying United to Newark...and all of our extra baggage was gonna cost us over $300. Our new, not cancelled, flight was with Delta...and they allow 2 we didn't have to pay for our extra luggage (which was full of supplies and treats for the orphanage)! God is sooo good...really... all the time! The rest of the travel was free from excitement until we got to Munich. Our flght to Chisinau was one of the only flights for Moldova from Munich for the day...and our flight into Munich was about an hour and a half late...we had approximately 30 minutes to unload the airplane, find the lufthansa counter, get our boarding passes, and get back on the flight to Moldova. God worked it all out...we managed to run fast enough to be at the head of the line of about 200 people and our Lufthansa representatives asked them to hold the plane for us....we were FINALLY really on our way to MOLDOVA....
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