Good morning friends! I am back! I spent this week at an Autism training for work...and did not have my laptop with me! Please don't think that I have finished pouring out my heart about Moldova...because quite frankly...I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon. Moldova still consumes me...I think about it every single day. Brian and I talk about it EVERY single day. (Thanks for your prayers, by the way-cause it is still in our hearts). The whole time I was at the training...I kept having sensory memories of Moldova (for those of you who don't know what that is...its not some new agey just meant I was remembering the smells, sights, sounds, etc of Moldova). I went to sleep each night praying for the kids at Providence by name and for all the girls at Stella's House by name too. In case you can't tell...they have just over taken my heart...and I cannot wait to see them all again! Luckily I can "see" the kids at the orphanage often. I can look at my own pictures...or I can look at Galina's photos from each week at camp. She has done an amazing job with camp. After looking at the pictures, I REALLY want to go to camp. They are having silly days...silly skits...singing songs...loving Jesus. I am a goof ball...and the thought of dressing like a goober to make some orphans laugh is VERY appealing to me :) Now doesn't that sound amazing? I just think Galina is the most amazing girl. I know I have already told you all this. But, keep praying for her. Let me tell you how God put her on my heart this week...
Our church has been doing a series called "Real World Transformations" looking at characters of the Faith from the Old Testament. We have looked at Moses, Nehemiah, David, Elijah, and Jonah to name a few. Last week our teaching pastor (remember he is the one who got up SUPER early to do communion with us before we left for Moldova) taught about Esther. You can click on that for the link to the sermon.
Let me just go on and digress for a minute...EVERY sermon we have heard since we got back from Moldova has made our hearts burn for that country even more. So, as soon as the pastor began speaking I thought...
OK is it going to be about Moldova this time? I really did say that to God.
I knew it was going to be about Esther, because the awesome intro REAL WORLD video was about Esther. So...I kind of got comfortable in my seat. I mean, How in the world could Esther's story remind me of Moldova, right? I am just so dense some times!
Our Pastor started the sermon off by saying...Esther was an orphan (Esther 2: 5-7). I wrote on my sermon outline REALLY? Brian and I laughed...I thought to myself...well that one was much more obvious God...didn't really think it would be that obvious. I mean...REALLY?
Before I tell you about the sermon..let me just go on and tell you...throughout the WHOLE sermon I thought of Galina... from beginning to end. Every STEP! He also used the sermon to continue to burn our hearts for Moldova.
OK...I am not going to do the story or the sermon justice...but here is my summary of it. The outline part was very applicable to our current experience... It was all about Seeing your Moment and Seizing your moment. Click on the Esther link above to watch was GOOD STUFF...anyway... Esther's story and Galina's stories are so similar. Esther, an orphan, was raised by her older cousin Mordecai. When the king had to choose a new queen, he chose Esther (Esther 2:17). Important side note-During those times, addressing the kind in his inner court without an invitation was punishable by death. Esther got word, that her people, the Jews were being mistreated and killed throughout the kingdom. While Esther initially did not want to risk her life, liberty, etc....she knew that she must be the one to address the king on behalf of her people. Mordecai reminded her that perhaps (she) had come in to royal dignity for such a time as this (Esther 4:14). Esther found favor with the king...and was given an opportunity to save her people. She risked her life to address the king in his inner court and save her people. This was an OVER SIMPLIFIED version of Esther's story.
I don't know if you see the Galina in this....but I do. Galina, while initially hesitant to return to Cupcui, the orphanage where she lived during her childhood, she knew that God had put her in a place to "save her people". To offer hope, love, and joy to the her people....the children in the orphanage at Cupcui. God found favor with her...and has been preparing her for her whole life...for "such a time as this." Isn't that amazing? I e-mailed Galina this week and told her how much she reminded me of Esther. That she was doing amazing things for her people. Keep praying for her friends. She is doing BIG things for His kingdom...and for her people.
If you haven't read the Book of Esther before. You should. You may also want to consider watching the Movie a Night with the King (its on Netflix instant).
I love Esther. It is one of my favorite stories. I love you too. You are on of my most precious people.