The Simple Things (another rant)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Friends, God continues to stir our hearts.  I can tell you all are praying for us...because Moldova is constantly in our hearts and on our minds...God is doing big things.  BIG THINGS I tell ya!

 Keep praying for us...for clarity...conviction...and courage.

Boys and Crafts:)
Let me tell you more about Cupcui...
If I am repeating myself, I apologize...but this is what I am thinking about right now.
While we were at Providence House in Cupcui, our main goal was to love on some show them that people came from a land far away to just hold them and love them.  While some of us  could spend all day just hugging, we realized that hugging wouldn't fill up the time for many children...they would want something to keep them we planned a little VBS/camp/craft time. I have mentioned in previous posts some of the activities we did.  We made visors, picture frames (more on that later), sun catchers, bracelets, salvation bracelets, we played with play doh, puzzles, bubbles, etc. Just some simple things that would last about 5 minutes with kids in the U.S.  These kids played with play-doh and puzzles for a LONG time.  They enjoyed it...they would race to see who could complete the puzzles fastest, they made 100 different doh shapes.  They laughed the whole time. You know what stands out to me?  These precious kids enjoyed every minute of it.  From age 2-15, male or female, they were captivated by every activity we offered....never once was their a complaint or sardonic attitude.  It was lovely.  Our children (and people) in America (please remember this is an over-hasty generalization) are so over stimulated and desensitized in life that we are constantly looking for the next "big thing".  We need the newest, best, biggest, loudest toy to get our fix....otherwise...we are just bored.  Kids today miss out on the excitement and joy of the simpler things in life. 

Now, I know that I am risking sounding like an 80 year old curmudgeon in saying this...but I think if you scratch the surface of your heart and KNOW that its true.  We are so spoiled here.  I am not pointing fingers...notice I said WE.  I counted myself in it too.   It was so refreshing to see smiles on the faces of 12-15 year old boys as they were painting tiny plastic wind catchers.  It was beautiful to see the smiles of pride on their faces when they showed us the finished products. 

I love that these kids have an appreciation for the simple things.  When you have nothing....the small things really make an impact.    I want you to remember.  These kids have such precious pure hearts.  I wish you all could meet them.  I would LOVE to give them EVERY THING IN the world...all the biggest best and loudest toys...but you know what...BIG toys do NOT equal BIG Love.  Its a lesson I'm learning)  Anyways....I am going to be doing a toy/Christmas Gift drive this while you are out shopping...think of the kids at Providence....if you are led, buy a game or puzzle or other fun toy to send their way (it need not be the biggest, best, technological toy in the world...they will feel the love no matter what you choose).

I know that my few readers are probably tired of my little rants about consumerism and such...but it has just hit me like a ton of bricks...we have TOO much.  It just makes me sad to see our excesses...when there are so many people in the world without.  Truthfully...I don't know how to find balance between what I have SEEN first hand, what I know, and how I act.  Its tough friends.  Everything about our culture enforces the idea of more stuff=more success.  How do we find balance?  I am seeking God's help in this.  I am praying.  I am studying scripture.  I know that not everyone feels convicted like I do about perhaps this is just my battle.  But I am sharing it with you....its just one of the MANY things that Moldova is changing and stirring in me.
P.S.- My next post will NOT be about PLEASE COME BACK TO VISIT.  It was be about Day 2 at the orphanage!!!!

1 Comment »

One Response to “The Simple Things (another rant)”

  1. I love it when your passion overflows and you rant a bit. You are precious mi hijita. I can't wait to see you this week so you can be filled with more excess. :-)
